Thursday, March 28, 2013

Nate's First Passover

Jordan, the Godfather.
Baby Nate needs to grow into that yarmulke.
Aunt Amy and Baby Nate
Amy, Sabrina, and Baby Nate bundled up ready to head home.
Aunt Gaby came to visit from Florida.
Bath time stinks

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Nathaniel, The Sleepy Portraits

I think you'll agree, these need no captions. Photos taken on 2/28 at St. Luke's Roosevelt by Heather at Gaga Baby Photos.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Nate's First Days

India and Allen try some natural labor induction to get Baby Nate out.

Nate makes his big debut at 10:35 pm, February 26, after 18 hours of labor and then an emergency C-section.  He was trying to accessorize with his umbilical cord.
Allen, Sabrina and Nathaniel get to know each other at St. Luke's Roosevelt.

Ready to go home for the first time.

With Aunt Mechi...
... and Aunt Amy!

Nate and "Saba" Danny look so much alike!

Mommy trying to make up for all the lox and sushi she couldn't eat.

La Pieta

India still isn't sure what to make of this big sister business.

Tummy time with Dad.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013